Skylar wasnt to sure of where she was, but she was sure of the fact that she was far far away from home. The woman in the hotel office glanced at her.
"You do know that shit like that gets stolen pretty easy, right?" the old lady said as she motioned towards Skylar.
She was withdrawling all the money she had in her bank account, and she knew her parents were probably looking for her and that the cops could track things like that so she needed to get out of this hotel as fast as possible.
"Yes ma'am," she mumbled and handed the woman a 50 dollar bill, whch definietly should've been more than enough for the crap room she'd stayed in last night "have a lovely day!"
She walked out to her car, which was still wet from the night before. Then she just stood there for a while and looked around.
why am i doing this, where the hell am i?The thoughts ran through her mind quicker than she could process them. She kept driving and driving and before she knew it 3 hours had passed and she was running on empty.
She wasnt to sure if this gas station was safe, let alone sanatary, but if the sign read correctly it was the last gas for about 100 miles and she didnt need to break down in the middle of no where.
She filled her tank and was smart enough not to use her credit card, so she wouldnt be found. Inside she grabbed 3 mountain dews, some lays potateoe chips, and a snickers bar.
The clerk would not stop staring at her, and to be honest she didnt mind. He was definietly cute and from what she could hear of him talking he seemed smart.
She approached the counter and set all her stuff down on it.
"Where ya headed?" he asked as he flashed her a beautiful smile. Ok this guy was seriously cute.
"Anywhere thats not Oregon," she smiled up at him "how bout you, why are you working here"
"Money's good," he talked while he scanned her items, "and i need to get to Nashville to start my music career."
"Well," she watched him intently, "where exactly are we right now?"
He laughed "So you're a run away?"
She nodded slowly "Yeah i guess thats what i am."
"Well you're about 70 miles outside of plano texas," he handed her her items and some cash back "but where exactly are you headed?"
She leaned across the counter and flicked his name badge
"Well Justin, maybe you should come and find out."